What you need to know about the appointment system….

Further to patient feedback and an internal review, we will be further implementing some changes to our appointment system.

Our priority is to ensure that patients urgent problems and issues are managed safely and quickly; and that patients with routine problems are dealt with in the most efficient and helpful way. 

Please note:

Each GP appointment slot is 15 minutes. Managing only one problem in a 15 minute consultation ensures patient safety. If you have more than one issue you’d like to discuss please advise the doctor, who will help prioritise the other issues. You may be asked to return for another appointment to address less urgent issues.

If you arrive more than 10 minutes late, then you have missed your appointment and will need to rebook.


Extention to FREE Universal Contraceptive Service For Women Aged 17-30 Years


FREE GP care for under 8yr olds is here! This is what you need to do…