Medical Care

Womens Health & Menopause

At Calderwood Family Clinic we take care of all areas of women’s health from contraception to the menopause. We are happy to guide women on all forms of contraception. We offer advice on fertility for both partners and pre- conceptual advice. We would advise all women who are planning a family soon to take folic acid daily and have their rubella status checked. We take cervical smears and perform STI screens. We perform Breast Checks. We offer combined Ante-natal care, Post-natal care and advice on breast feeding and infant nutrition. We offer advice on the menopause, HRT, Bone Protection and all aspects of preventative health and lifestyle. If you feel you need advice on any area of women’s health please call us for an appointment.

Dr Behan completed the Certificate in Menopause Care with the ICGP and the British Menopause Society in 2018. She offers tailor-made menopause consultations to suit each individual woman. These appointments are 30 minutes long and cost EUR120. When making your first menopause appointment please advise reception so they can ensure a 30-minute time slot is booked.

Please click here for a link to a book by Dr Deirdre Lundy, ‘The Menopause: The Essential Guide to Managing Your Health in Mid-Life’. This is a book you may find very informative and useful.